
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's been a rough few days

Last Thursday, I woke up in an unbelievable amount of pain.  Mostly in my neck region.  During the day at work the left side of my jaw and my left ear were unbearable.  I made the decision shortly before leaving work that I needed to stay home Friday.  I made arrangements and created sub plans.  The pain spread to my upper back and then slowly to my lower back.

Friday I stayed home from work.  However, I'm the type that can't sit still to save my life.  Even though I was in agony, I did a few chores, made some amazing muffins, and then laid down with a heating pad on my upper back.  After 25 minutes on the heating pad, I tried to sit up and my lower flared up real bad.  Couldn't get up.  I couldn't roll to the side, press with my elbows, rotate the body around, swing my legs to one side or another --nothing.  This happens quite frequently actually.  The only way to get to stop is to sleep and pray that it's gone when I wake up.  Unfortunately, I needed to take a shower and go to my doctor appointment.  So that option was gone.

I can't really remember how I got up.  I do remember the screaming and yelling I did...

I somehow made it to the doctor's office.  I was in real bad shape.  I gave Doc an overview of what was going on.  He worked on my neck and shoulders while I was flat on my back.  Then he asked me to roll over.  Couldn't move.  Damn...  He had to assist me.  He worked on my low back a tad, but time was up.  When I finally managed to stand up, lightning bolts of pain went through my right hip to my spine.  So I had to hobble to the therapy room, using the wall for support.  After finishing the electric stimulation and ice, I couldn't sit myself up.  The nurse told me to take all the time I needed.  I'm not sure, but I think I laid there, face down, for about 10-15 minutes.  Another nurse came in asking if I had been unhooked from the machine yet.  I said yes so she left.  I guess she went to go get Doc because he was standing there next to my table when I managed to roll to my side.

A lot of questions, lots of comments, lots of "what now" moments.  He gave me a cold pack to use in the car for the drive home.  I eventually made it to my car and started driving home.  I had to take a 15 minute break halfway home, but I made home safely.

Friday night SUCKED.  Saturday, my entire torso felt like I got hit by a mac truck.  I went for a swim.  I got relief while I was in the water, but the pain came back when I got back on dry land.  Boo.  I tried some weight training.  Didn't help.  Saturday night I was awful shape.  It just kept spiralling out of control.

Sunday wasn't any better to be honest.  Monday wasn't either.  I went to work on sheer will power.  I saw Doc Monday afternoon.  He targeted my lower back to try and see what was going on.  After he was done, he told me to swim that evening.

Last night's swim went really well.  The water really helps with mental relief from the pain.  Too bad the pain returns when I hop out of the pool...  Went to bed hurting real bad.  Woke up this morning feeling better.  My lower back is SUPER tender and very tired.  Such a relief.

My shoulders, upper back and neck still hurt a lot, but I can manage it right now.  I'm just so relieved that lower back shit calmed down.  It staying so constant and sustained at a super high threshold was unusual.  Usually I sleep it off.  It just never stopped.

Looks like I'm getting x-rays next week.  Maybe and MRI.  Doc doesn't seem to think it's totally muscle related.  I know it isn't.  My lower spine HURTS -- Bones hurt.  Those zaps of pain I was getting from one bone to another bone.  Not in the muscles like in my neck and shoulders.  Totally different type of sensation.  Hard to explain.

For right now, I'll call today a good day.  :)

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