
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Trigger Points

Yesterday was a good day.  Today is not so good.  I'm supposed to have band practice today.  I'm afraid to go, but I'm responsible for bringing the keyboard for our keys player.  I'm hoping that a quick swim right after work will help with the pain.

In a conversation with someone, the term "myofascial pain syndrome" came up.  I didn't know what that was; being the nerd that I am, I looked it up.  There are plenty of websites that provide information.  The information from page to page seems to be rather consistent too, which is good.

My favorite article is the one from the Cleveland Clinic.  Bascially, it refers to the concept of "trigger points" within the muscles/fascia.  When touched, not only are they very painful, they send pain signals to other areas of the body.

Doc mentioned trigger points a while back, but I didn't think anything of it.  I found a website that has many detailed diagrams documenting various trigger points.  Certain diagrams caught my attention.

The one on scalene trigger points seemed to explain a shit-ton.  All of the areas marked with an "X" are spots that Doc treats regularly with ART (Active Release Technique), Graston, and fascial manipulation.  The levator scapulae and the various trapezius diagrams (Doc told me that the muscle was HUGE, but I didn't quite get it until I saw the drawings) are spot on too.  One of the trapezius diagrams also explains my head aches!  And another one precisely pinpoints two major knots in my back.

Human anatomy is very peculiar. 

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