I used Joe Friel's book to sketch an annual training plan and learn how to structure my training better. There's a short section on weight training and I liked it okay, but I really felt like I needed something deeper especially since I was coming off of illness (and losing >10lbs of muscle due to illness). So I turned to Patrick Hagerman's book.
I read and reread Hagerman's book and kept cross referencing with Friel's. Finally I decided to create three groups of exercises, or "3 Days," and follow a 12 week series. The three groups are mostly made up of suggestions from the book, but I also included some that Doc recommends for physical therapy reasons.
Yeah. A lot of shoulder work is there. However, that is where a lot of my injury is and Doc needs me to strengthen what he's repaired. Plus upper body fatigue is a race killer in all three sports.
I found a pre-made 12 week program in the Strength Training for Triathletes and kind of based what I'm doing off that. My goal was so improve my sprint times to 1:10:00-1:20:00 range. Preferable around 1:15:00. Then I wanted to go head first into the olympic distance with doing the best time I can do. Granted... I never did an actual olympic race last year. First one had bad storms, so they cancelled the swim. The second one is a long story, but let's just say I never made it there to start. So I figured if I did something more for the olympic, then it would obviously help my sprint game tremendously.
So I took the 12 week periodization plan found on page 84, and modified it. I kind of threw in some of Friel's perspective. If I totally bombed this, I'll find out after 12 weeks; I'm on week 8, and I'm seeing quite a lot of results already.
So when I mentioned I was on Week 8, that means I'm on "Mesocycle 2: Week 2." Today was Day 1 of 3. I started adding more core work today just to see if I can. I started second guessing myself on whether I was doing enough core. God knows it helps with my back injuries, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad to add some more.
I will say, it sure is nice not to have to grab the 5 & 8 lb dumbbells anymore. I'm using 12-40 lb dumbbells. Makes me feel rather... Confident. :) Yeah.... We like this idea of confidence.
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